A person who decided to engage in a fascinating hobby - the search for coins, may find himself in a difficult situation of choosing the best metal detector for coins. The stores feature dozens of devices from various companies: Minelab, Garret, White’s, AKA, and others.
Prices for models may differ by several times. The question arises, which coin metal detector is better to buy to search for coins? To answer it, you should follow the information below and first discover what coin finder metal detectors are different from the usual ones.
White’s Spectra V3i HP Metal Detector

Initially, the manufacturer called this series Whites Vision, but when it went on sale, it was changed to Whites Spectra, to which the V3i metal detector belongs.
The basis for the development of Whites Spectra V3i steel metal detectors was series Whites DFX. Very similar menu structure management, search program. From the new support was added several frequencies (2.5 kHz, 7.5 kHz, 22.5 kHz), Hi-Tech and TX Boost functions. The changes affected discrimination and pinpoint mode.
- Mixed stereo mode (all metals in one channel, discrimination in the other)
- Multi-language interface
- A new way to identify targets - a vector screen in polar coordinates (a graph is plotted for each frequency)
- Ability to specify the menu used coil improves the accuracy of measuring the depth of the object
- Intelligence scan - scrolling graph shows the change in soil mineralization. Used to search for gold nuggets
- The context help system gives a hint on the functions of the device
- Ability to choose the type of soil (normal, salty)
- Display using the current mode icon: Search, Analysis or Targeting
Embody the latest advances in treasure hunting:
- 3-frequency technology with simultaneous display of data for each frequency - a graphical analyzer, SpectraGraph functions, as well as during target designation
- Color display with the ability to customize the color palette and high contrast when working on the beach
- SpectraSound wireless headphones, designed specifically for the Spectra V3, provide an unprecedented user experience. The sound can come to one or more headphones. It is possible to change the channel to protect against interference
- 10 search programs created by White’s experts: Coins, Coins and Jewelry, Salty Beach, Relics, Geological Exploration, Deep Silver, High Debris, Professional (Hi-Pro), Mixed Pro Mode, Meteorites
- Maximum performance and accuracy of target determination are achieved using 3 frequencies: 22.5 kHz for gold, 2.5 kHz for silver and 7.5 kHz for common tasks. Choose to work with one frequency or three at a time.
- Ability to quickly change the detector settings during the search without entering the menu. A set of parameters relevant to the current program is displayed at the bottom of the display.
- Easy intuitive menu of the metal detector, divided into 6 groups
- Wireless exchange programs between multiple metal detectors
- Coil 10 “DD provides good working width and resistance to mineralization
- 20 levels of metal detector display backlighting
- Ability to enter the name of the owner and contact information with password protection
- Ability to manually select the level of filtering from 8 values from 5 to 12.5 Hz
- 200 signal processing speeds
- Convenient switching between different options for displaying information about the object using the trigger switch: SpectraGraph - Targeting - Analysis
- Convenient display of accepted and rejected targets in green and red
- Powered by rechargeable NiMh battery
Garrett AT PRO Metal Detector

Among the metal detectors produced by Garrett Electronics, it is impossible not to single out the Garrett AT Pro - the best metal detector for coins and jewelry that no self-respecting search professional can do without.
Model AT Pro is a professional coin detector, one glance at which it is impossible to doubt its performance. The strict laconic design conveys the whole essence of Garrett AT Pro, but the most important thing is its functions.
Among the surprising innovations is the water resistance of this model, which allows you to work with AT Pro also under water, at a depth of 3 meters. A real amphibian in the world of metal detectors. Thanks to this isolation, this device is also reliably protected by dust and dirt penetration, which makes it practically invulnerable in any adverse weather conditions and significantly expands the search capabilities of the treasure hunter.
Also, Garrett AT Pro is equipped with two modes of soil adjustment - manual and automatic, which can also be called a plus of this model.
Another interesting and enjoyable addition to Garrett AT Pro is sound effects that work in several modes (standard and professional Pro-Audio). Unlike the standard sound notification, which is in almost all metal detectors, Pro-Audio notifies the searcher about the depth.
The set of characteristics of this coin finder suggests that a breakthrough has been made in the metal detector industry.
- Additional professional sound modes that allow you to estimate the distance to the object, the depth and “see” nearby objectives (“Proportional Sound” and “Rocking Tone” modes)
- Fast reaction rate allows you to successfully highlight useful color targets against the background of high littering
- The “Iron Audio” mode allows you to hear the iron targets and accurately build on them.
- High accuracy of iron detuning (40 levels)
- The suitability of the metal detector for any conditions. Can work in a dusty, dirty, and humid environment. The ability to dive underwater for 3 meters allows you to work in the surf, on beaches, bays, rivers, etc. (additional underwater headphones are required)
- Digital target ID (0 … 99)
- The possibility of manual soil balancing allows you to set up the detector to the ground with the highest quality
- FastTrack allows you to balance in semi-automatic mode quickly.
- A working frequency of 15 kHz increases the sensitivity to small objects - coins and jewelry.
- An exclusive 8.5 × 11″ type DD coil filters the mineralization of the soil and well shares the nearby targets.
- Targeting mode provides accurate localization of the object before digging.
Fisher F75 Metal Detector

One of the best coin metal detector in the history of metal detectors.
Incorporates all modern Fisher technical solutions: a double filtering discriminator for searching in littered soil, automatic FASTGRAB soil balancing, 3 search modes (discrimination, dynamic All Metal and static All Metal) and the ability to select the optimal search style (standard, jewelry, filtering litter, plowed field).
The metal detector is distinguished by its phenomenal separating ability due to the high reaction rate when an object is detected. Thanks to the battery compartment located under the armrest, it has good ergonomics, which makes the F75 an indispensable professional tool.
- Double filter discriminator to search in littered soil
- 2-digit target type identifier: the display shows the VDI number of the object from 0 to 99. Additionally, a measurement confidence indicator is displayed.
- The range of the discriminator 0–99 is divided into 8 groups, which allows you to exclude unwanted objects from the search, for example quickly, ferrous metals
- 3 search modes: discrimination, dynamic All Metal and static All Metal (search at maximum depth without discrimination)
- Ability to select the optimal search style (standard, jewelry, filtering litter, plowed field)
- Number of tones: from 1 to 4 or incremental
- Soil balancing: automatic FASTGRAB and manual
- Indicator of the level of soil mineralization, phase, and current balance setting
- Targeting mode with variable pitch
- Adjustable sensitivity and threshold
- Ability to shift the operating frequency to avoid interference
- Display backlight
Minelab E-TRAC Metal Detector

The E-Trac metal detector is a new high-tech development from Minelab that uses a unique multi-frequency search technology that is familiar to users of metal detectors using the Explorer series. A modern design, an innovative control panel, an intuitive menu, a large and clear LCD screen, a new lightweight reel, numerous tuning options - these are the distinguishing features of the E-Trac metal detector.
E-Trac is a new level of standards in the production of coin finders. For the first time in the world, Minelab engineers equipped a metal detector with a USB interface, with which E-Trac users can download settings, operating modes and discrimination masks from their personal computers.
The technologies applied in the E-Trac detector allow searches both in ordinary soil and in highly mineralized environments, such as salt sand, sea water, wet beach sand and soils with a high magnetic component. Using the E-Trac metal detector, you will be the most successful treasure hunter, regularly combining forays into nature with metal detecting old coins, jewelry, etc.
- E-Trac’s advanced signal processing using FBS technology analyzes more target information, so that target identification is more accurate
- QuickMask TM with independent ferrous and conductivity rejection level adjust - a fast and simple way to edit patterns
- E-Trac Exchange USB functionality - create download and upload your favorite E-Trac settings and save them to your computer or with friends by email
- Ground Setting options of Neutral and Difficult allowing you to adapt easily to benign or the most challenging operating conditions
- User-centered keypad and menu design - fast and easy to use with intuitive icons and logical menu sequences
White’s Coinmaster Metal Detector

Whites CoinMaster metal detector of the middle line from the company Whites, who replaced the well-proven detector Prizm III. CoinMaster is suitable for those who want to buy a universal device for a small price and with reliable quality. It is perfect as the first and main device.
White’s Coinmaster metal detectors are perfect for searching both in antiquity and in small objects, as well as in metal detecting gold coins. Due to its accurate signals and depth of search, this coin detector will please both beginners and already more experienced searchers.
White’s Coinmaster better than other metal detectors can screen out ferrous metals and more accurately indicate the color of metals. At first glance, a completely “rustic” device is quite capable of competing with detectors of both the middle and professional class.
- SENS - adjustment of sensitivity to objects made of metal and interference. The greater the sensitivity value, the deeper the useful object can be detected, but the influence of the soil and electromagnetic pulses also increases.
- P / P - enable accurate positioning of the object. Discrimination in this mode does not work.
- DISC - ignores unwanted targets. You can consistently disable the response from 5 different types of objects. In total, the display shows 8 types.
Specifics of Metal Detecting for Coins?
There are several types of metal detectors that are not suitable for searching for coins, as well as metal detecting silver coins.
- Depths units. Feature of these devices: the maximum depth of search, but very small sensitivity to small objects. They are used to detect pipes, search for scrap metal and hoards.
- Devices for searching gold nuggets. In order to find gold coins, the device must have absolutely high sensitivity. This means that when using this machine to search for coins, you will constantly dig small pieces of iron, shot, etc. It will be impossible to separate from all this. They have no discrimination.
- Mine detectors. They have a lot of weight and minimum functions.
- Kids detectors. The cheapest and most useless devices for gold coins found with metal detector. Their price is cheap enough. It is clear that for serious purposes, their use is meaningless.
The metal detector for coins must have sufficient discriminator to separate the targets. The wider the range of the discriminator - the more accurately you can create your own coin mask of the metal detector.
The coin mask of the metal detector, which the manufacturer lays very often does not correspond to the realities. For example, for coins made in the USSR, the ACE 250 does not get into the coin mask of the Garrett ACE 250 metal detector. Or some coins of the colonial era will be ignored in the Minelab Explorer coin mask. Therefore, the coin mask in the metal detector must be edited and add your own set.
Recall. Coin mask is a search program of a metal detector. Own mask is an editable metal detector program that you create yourself.
The best frequency for coin hunting
Coin finders wondering how to get coins of ancestry should have the following options:
Discrimination scale and sound polyphony
If you are going to look for coins, you should understand that in addition to the valuable silver in the ground there is a lot of iron trash that needs to be cut off. Devices with a scale of discrimination easily cope with this.
The essence of the scale is as follows: a certain number corresponds to each metal: the iron is the smallest. Non-ferrous metals are located on the increase in electrical conductivity. The highest value corresponds to silver and copper.
However, looking at the screen is not always convenient, especially in littered places, where the soil is replete with a number of signals.
Therefore, the instruments produce a separate sound for each metal. Chermet makes a dull sound, and positive goals ring out.
Ground tuning
Modern devices differ from the previous ones that they easily adapt to changing search conditions. Difficult soils create unnecessary squeals that distract. The task of this function: to build up from them and stabilize the detector.
Detuning from electrical noise
Not only difficult soils interfere with the search. Your mobile phone can also interfere with the stable operation of the equipment. Also, if you are close to power lines, there may be failures. To solve this problem, there is a function of detuning from electrical interference.
It is clear that in addition to these options, it is important that the metal detector had a small weight and easily lay in your hand. That’s why modern devices have height adjustment.
Where to look for coins?
What are the best places to metal detect for old coins? Where to find old coins in the ground, and what are actually the best places to metal detect for coins?
After you have decided which one to buy, you need to determine the place where the excavations will be carried out.
The best places to search:
- Old villages and roads. With the help of old maps that are freely available, you can discover the places where people used to live and, accordingly, lost something in ancient times. Perhaps some friends will be able to say something about such places.
- Beaches. Here you can find modern money, but if the beach is old, then there is a chance to find something old. Rubbish on the beaches will be required.
- Parks. Here you can find many interesting artifacts. The main thing is not to disturb the rest of the litter and bury holes behind them.