Fisher is an American company with German quality! Its creator, Gerhard Fischer, immigrated to the United States from Germany at the beginning of the twentieth century. An outstanding engineer studied and worked at the Technical University of Dresden. And after moving to Los Angeles, in 1920, Dr. Fischer acquired a patent for the right to manufacture radio equipment for aircraft. His work at the California Technical University interested Albert Einstein personally . After demonstrating his success with Dr. Fischer, Albert prophesied the possible use of these devices not only in the air, but also on the ground, or even underwater, around the world!
While working with the first models, the pilots noticed errors in the readings of the devices. Interference appeared during the passage of certain areas of the earth or when installing metal objects in the area between the transmitter and receiver. Information about such a problem came from all over the world, from different pilots, from different aircraft.
Dr. Fischer decided to find out the reason, and in the course of the research, he discovered the high conductivity of mineralized plots of land. The idea was born instantly, Gerhard suggested that using the knowledge gained, it is possible to create a unique device for detecting metal objects in the soil or, possibly, mineral deposits.
The first “boom” at the then metalloscopes was in the 30s. Fischer’s device has found application in geology, in the search for treasures, in the work of law enforcement agencies. The device also found application during hostilities.
Fischer quality products were doomed to success. The popularity of the devices grew, and it was decided to open a large-scale production in the State of California. The metal detectors of this company were used all over the world, everyone who dreamed of a treasure dreamed of Fisher as well. So from year to year, the Gerhard Fisher Research Laboratory has grown into a full-fledged plant for the production of the best metal detectors and other equipment intended for searches.
These days, Fisher metal detectors remain advanced technology devices for your convenience. A liquid crystal screen installed on each device will provide you with all the necessary information not only about metal detection but also about the material of the find, as well as the depth of the subject. All metal detectors provide you with an intuitive interface, as well as flexibility in settings and ease of operation.
German quality and American developments will turn searches into pleasure!
Top 5 Fisher Detectors
Fisher F22 with Submersible Search Coil

The Fisher F22 metal detector is the average model of the new Fisher series of detectors, which is designed for more experienced searchers. Thanks to moisture-proof parts, the device can be used both on land and in water.
However, you cannot immerse the device underwater in the headphones, since the headphone jack is not protected. The detector is perfect for difficult weather conditions, as well as for beach searches.
The Fisher F22 metal detector is equipped with a 9-inch ellipsoid coil, allowing selectively refers to closely spaced targets. In addition, the coil has an increased detection depth. The large informative LCD-display of the metal detector displays a lot of useful information: the size of the find, its depth, discrimination indicators, iron content, etc.
Using the menu, you can choose one of three predefined search programs that are most suitable for the given conditions: coins, jewelry, or historical relics. If none of the ready-made programs fits, then you can save your own settings using the fourth Custom program. Like most metal detectors of the same class, the Fisher F22 has a pre-set ground adjustment value.
In addition to polyphonic sound indication, the Fisher F22 metal detector has the ability to adjust the sound volume of iron objects separately from the sound volume of targets made of non-ferrous metals. This is especially true in areas heavily littered with metal waste. If necessary, this function can be disabled.
For more information like (F22 price or F22 specs) follow the product link.
- Greater search depths
- Large coil
- A little bit heavy
Fisher Gold Bug Metal Detector

This model is another innovation in the world of Fisher Research Labs. We can safely say that this device is designed specifically for real treasure hunters . Mostly the Fisher Gold Bug Pro model is designed to search for native gold.
The Gold Bug metal detector will not allow you to pass by a precious find, even if it is hidden by a thick layer of soil. However, the advantages of this device do not end with the search for gold.
Thanks to Fisher Gold Bug’s high sensitivity, you can find imperial coins and other ancient antiques.
It is worth noting that Gold Bug Pro works effectively even in those places where the searchers have already visited. This is because this model is able to scan the soil much deeper, so you can find objects that other searchers have not noticed. The device weighs a little more than a kilogram, so even in difficult terrain, you can comfortably use it. Also, the Fisher metal detector is indispensable for mountainous areas. Therefore, searchers, which have to work several hours every day, prefer this particular model.
- Waterproof.
- Comfortable handling pole.
- LCD is hard to be seen in a sunny weather.
Fisher F75 Metal Detector

The F75 model from the Fisher line of metal detectors should have particular attention from those diggers who are serious about treasure hunting and whose level of search work can be called professional.
According to the Fisher F75 review, this device has gained many adherents and has earned a lot of positive feedback from advanced searchers for the professional capabilities inherent in high-end detectors.
Fisher F75 is perfectly arranged and balanced and is considered one of the most ergonomic devices. The weight of the device does not exceed 1.3 kg, successful balancing does not tire your hand, and therefore, the search can be carried out longer and with greater efficiency. You can continue to search for hours, and your hand will not get tired.
The device has four operating frequencies. Operation at a frequency of 13 kHz gives it the ability to accurately pick up even weak signals that are not available to other detectors and detect coins, jewelry, small fragments of artifacts, gold, and especially silver items at various depths and in different modes. It is equipped with an 11-inch elliptical BiAxial coil, which showed stable operation on soils and a search depth from 45 cm for coins to 2.2 m for large items.
The F75 has manual and automatic ground balancing Fastgrab. Detuning from the soil can be performed both in the “all metals” mode and in the discrimination mode. The Fisher F75 discriminator is highly accurate in detecting even weak signals - the percentage of errors is negligible. Ideal for work in littered areas - it gives clear signals with high precision processing. An eight-tone sound notification system and an LCD screen with a clear indication display even in poor visibility conditions.
Since the device is designed for professional search , it requires careful fine-tuning. With a simple, intuitive menu, it will not be difficult to master the setting, and each novice digger, gaining experience over time, will be able to bring the F75 tuning to automatic and fully enjoy and use this highly intelligent metal detector.
- Easy to use.
- Automatic ground balancing.
- Analog readout.
Fisher CZ21-8 Underwater Metal Detector

Fisher CZ 21 is a dual-frequency underwater metal detector for professionals. Thanks to the use of special signal processing, it filters salty water well and is suitable for working in seawater. The lower frequency of 5 kHz detects all kinds of objects well, and the upper 15 kHz increases sensitivity to non-ferrous metals, especially small ones.
To cut a long story, short Fisher CZ-21 has a great balance and is easy to use. It has the ability to mount the control unit on the belt.
What pleases the most is the Water Resistant 10.5 “Inch Coil. The casing is sealed and waterproof. CZ-21 features comfortable, adjustable armrest. Gives an ability to dive up to 76 meters.
- Two-tone detection range.
- Can detect aluminum.
- Ability to adjust the length of the bar
- A bit bulky despite being light.
Fisher F44 Metal Detector

The Fisher F44 metal detector is a universal search instrument equipped with everything necessary for the quick and accurate detection and identification of all kinds of objects. The device is suitable for any direction of treasure hunting: coin search, military archeology, an inspection of abandoned houses, beach search for jewelry, searching for treasures, and historical relics.
Moderate functionality involves the use of a detector for both novice users and for more advanced searchers. The Fisher F44 metal detector is enough to turn it on and immediately start using it, but despite this, the search efficiency is quite high, and its versatility will help beginners decide on the direction in treasure hunting.
The device operates at a frequency of 7.69 kHz, which is optimally suited for targets of any size, and an 11-inch non-standard mono-coil pierces a fairly good depth, so the combination of these characteristics allows you to use the Fisher F44 metal detector to search for both small and large targets lying deep enough. To determine the type of metal, a 9-segment discrimination scale, and VDI numbers are used. The detector is equipped with automatic adjustment to the ground, allowing the instrument to independently select the type of soil to reduce the effect of mineralization. However, for finer tuning, the Fisher F44 has a manual soil balance mode. There is a special mode for pinpointing the location of a detected target - a pinpoint that will quickly find a lost find in the freshly dug ground.
The Fisher F44 metal detector is equipped with a large screen on which the data of the search process and the characteristics of the find are displayed large, which helps to better perceive information even for people with low vision , and a backlight mode is provided for use in dimly lit places. To facilitate setup, you can choose one of four pre-installed programs that will optimally match the search tasks, and to save individual settings. You can use the fifth program, specially designed for this. F44 has a light weight, which allows you to examine large areas, designed for a long time, and the original shape of the coil allows you to penetrate into hard-to-reach places, thanks to the narrow front end.
- Comfortable handling pole.
- Good search depth.
- A little pricey
Brand Guide
Where Can I Buy a Fisher Metal Detector?
Detectors from Fisher Research Labs are popular enough, so we don’t think you’ll have trouble searching for them even if you plan to purchase the device in an offline store.
Where Can I Repair a Fisher Metal Detector?
Like every official product Fisher provides warranty repairs in their service center. You can find them nearby your location by entering Fisher official website.
Please note that since September 2009, all metal detectors officially are marked with holographic stickers .
The presence of such a sticker on the metal detector control unit complete with a warranty card with the seal of the company is a guarantee that the detector you purchased is official and that all warranty obligations of the detector manufacturer apply to it.
Advantages of purchasing an official device:
- High-quality service, confirmed by the manufacturer’s certificate
- The official service center carries out quick repairs (2-14 days), without the need to send it to the manufacturer
- Warranty period - up to 2 years
- Access to the database of spare parts and accessories. Over 200 items in stock
Why we do not recommend buying an unofficial (gray) device:
- The so-called “Manufacturer’s Warranty” involves sending repairs directly to the factory, abroad, with a repair period of up to 2 months
- If you receive the device from abroad, there is a risk of customs duties or loss of the device
- There is a risk of not getting a new (reconditioned) device - the case and external elements may be new, and the internal electronics - reconditioned parts after a repair, sold at a discount (a common practice in the USA)
- Poor quality service by individuals importing devices by mail or smuggling
- Individuals involved in smuggling may be prosecuted by law enforcement agencies and indirectly “confuse” the buyer
- Lack of access to spare parts and accessories
Where Can I Buy Parts for Fisher Metal Detector?
You can buy parts for Fisher, both online and offline stores. This option involves purchasing of headphones for metal detectors, batteries, chargers and digital panels, rods, and covers for metal detectors, and much more.
Fisher vs Garrett
Let’s compare F75 and Ace 250. After having Ace 250, the owner of the new F75 receives tuning/tuning to the ground, the ability to understand what a threshold signal is, VDI output, a slightly more accurate and wider metal discriminator, rich tonal response and a search coil above average. The increase in opportunities is significant. First of all, it will affect the number of “empty” pits in which you dug not at all what you expected.
The Fisher F75 unit is mounted on the “finger,” which, in essence, does not change anything. The F75 handle is more convenient than the ACE 250 - it is thicker, and the coating is fixed (with Garrett, the coating begins to “spin” on the bar over time).
Fisher has a wide range on the subject, “move the armrest at the end of the bar.” And this is done easily. In Garrett Ace 250, there are only 2 “holes,” and for this “adjustment,” you need a screwdriver.
Fisher Pros and Cons
- Easy to get used to
- Solid casing
- There are no rubber bands on the F75 coil to seal the connection to the bar.
Garrett Pros and Cons
- We like the bolt in ACE 250 more - it is thicker, the thread is more reliable (when you pull the bolt, there is a chance to break the thread, and if it is “shallow,” this probability is higher).
- Acquires a small backlash at junctions, which annoys searchers
Fisher vs Whites
Comparison of the Fisher Gemini 3 and Whites TM-808 metal detectors began with finding out which device is more convenient to transport. Fisher copes with this problem better, since the transmitter and receiver are connected with special latches into a compact “case”, the bar is disassembled into three parts. In disassembled form, it easily fits in a small backpack. And for the TM 808, a larger “container” will be needed, since the handle does not come off, and the frames cannot be disassembled. You can only remove the frames of the receiving and transmitting elements of the block. Although a backpack of 50-60 liters is quite good for it.
The target detection depth declared by the manufacturer is 6 meters. Although this figure was most likely obtained in laboratory tests, examining the reaction to the so-called “infinitely large” target.
When comparing devices for ease of use and comfort of the search, the TM 808 will be preferred. It allows you to search both on flat terrain and on rough terrain, including with different levels of soil (trenches, trenches), in the forest zone.
The main role is assigned to the rigid connection of the body and the handle and the relatively small length of the device.
This allows you to keep the metal detector at the same distance from the ground, thereby reducing the number of false signals.
Fisher Pros and Cons
- Compact
- Ability to remove parts
- The handle is not so convenient
Whites Pros and Cons
- Solid connections
- Ergonomic design
- False declared target detection depth
Fisher vs Bounty Hunter
Which one to choose Fisher F44 or Bounty Hunter Land Ranger Pro? According to various sources, this American company produces metal detectors under three brands: Fisher, Teknetics, and Bounty Hunter.
Fisher is an elite brand, the top line, something like Toyota’s Lexus. All proven and reliable innovations are there.
Teknetics is average. In principle, good price/quality devices. Bounty Hunter is a “platform for testing,” improvements and innovations to new technologies of the previous two brands.
In a nutshell, something like Fisher is the best choice. Of the serious differences in its favor, there are 2 AA batteries instead of the Krona, serious moisture resistance, build quality and materials. Also, in the future, it will be much easier to sell.
Fisher Pros and Cons
- Elite product
- Solidity proved by years
- Price
Bounty Hunter Pros and Cons
- Easy to use
- Comfortable for hand
- Needs testing and improvements